Installing Zoom | SIA Melbourne
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How to download zoom on your laptop computer. Download Zoom on to your laptop or desktopThe text message will include the Meeting ID and Password. Enter the meeting password and press Continue. Enter your full name in the Screen Name field.
Enter your email address in the Email Address field. Call using Internet Audio will use wifi or data. Turn your cameral on by pressing the Start Video button on the bottom of the screen. Reach out if you have any trouble accessing your Virtual Classroom. Please call or email us at info sia. Want to know more? Leave your details and we'll be in touch.
We will endeavour to contact you as soon as we can! Alternatively, you can call us on or email us at info sia. Sign In My Account. Student Info. Domestic Students. International Students.
International Students Travel Requirements. Domestic Courses. Go ahead and go back up top here within the zoom download center and we want to go ahead and.
Click on the zoom client for meetings download button and this will install the zoom client on our laptop computer. Or desktop computer and when we do it downloads the zoom installer. The lower left hand corner on the bottom here and i clicked on it and thats what you need to.
Do as well and you know sometimes when you do click on that exe keep in mind it is perfectly. Safe to install and it has no malware or viruses attached to it this is a legit site and sometimes. Youll get this user account control prompt within windows do you want to allow this app to make changes to.
Your device and this is basically windows asking you if you want to let zoom video communications install the zoom. Client on your computer and definitely click on yes by default is no but you want to go ahead and. Click on yes and that will allow the installation of the zoom client on your computer or your laptop computer.
And the installation only takes a few seconds by the way and once its done installing the client on your. Computer youll get the zoom cloud meeting prompt and we can go ahead and shrink the browser because we no. Longer need it open now within the zoom cloud meeting prompt here go ahead and click on join a meeting. And you get this next prompt this is where you would enter an id or personal link name and then.
Right below that you would enter your name in my case i entered nick nick and then i would click. On join and then it would prompt me for a password now where do you get your id or your. Personal link or your password and that would be most likely if you were joining a you know a zoom. Meeting online for a online class or an interview it would be sent to you via a text message or. An email message so thats where you would get that and also your password that you would need to use.
To join the meeting would be enclosed or included within that text message or your email now before i end. This video i wanted to point out one or two things the first one is that zoom is one hundred. Percent free to use does not cost you anything to join a zoom meeting and two is that you do. Not need to have a zoom account in order to join a zoom meeting so keep that in mind and.
You know great to have a online zoom meeting for you know online classes and interviews okay um thats the. End of this video thanks for watching subscribe if you like and leave a like if you like and remember. To share. Hey guys in this video im going to show you how you can download and install zoom client on your. Windows 10 operating system so lets get started so first of all open your favorite browser and search for zoom. Download and the first link which will appear here will be from zoom dot us forward slash download so just.
Click on this link im going to put the link in the description of this video also so you can. Directly come to this website by clicking on the link so im going to just click on agree and proceed. And then close this and now you can straight away see this download button for your windows operating system if. You want to install zoom plug-in for your microsoft outlook app you can click on this download button you also.
Have the option for the zoom plug-in for the ibm notes and you have the zoom extension for your chrome. Or your fiberfox browsers you also have some other options here so whatever option is fit for you you can. Just select that option but for now we want to download zoom on our windows 10 operating system so we. Just need to click on the first option which is zoom client for meetings so im going to just click. On this download option which is going to download the zoom installer.
Im going to just click on this executable file and im going to minimize the browser which is going to. Just initialize this zoom installer here just click on yes and the installation will be finished in few seconds so. The installation is really fast you just need to wait for a few seconds and now you can see this.
Zoom window so how easy it is to install zoom on your windows operating system now if you want to. Join a meeting you just click on the join a meeting button so here you just need to give your. Meeting id or the personal link which is sent to you and here you can set your name so that. Other members can see your name now if you want to sign in to your zoom application i can just. Click on cancel and then click on sign in and here you have the option to sign in with your.
Google account or your facebook account also you have the option to create your new account with your private email.
Address i have already created a zoom account so i will just provide my email id and password you can. Also check this checkbox which says keep me signed in and then click on sign in and now uh it. Says we have updated our terms and policies so just click on continue and now you can see this zoom.
Client on your windows 10 operating system so here you have the option to create a new meeting join a. Meeting you can see the schedule and also you can share your screen also you have the option to see. The chats here and then you have the option to see the meetings and the contacts so this is how.
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